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Research Funding

Research grants received at UW:

  1. National Science Center (NCN) Poland, Opus 14:„Mechanistic investigations for local thermal oxidation of thin MoS2 flakes”, 2018-2023.
  2. NCN Harmonia 10: „Influence of surface adsorption on structure and adhesive properties of selected peptide films”, 2019-2024.
  3. Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MSHE) Poland: Large scientific equipment (a commercial AFM), 2019-2020.
  4. “Excellence Initiative – Research University (2020-2026)” funded by MSHE: Equipment grant for a custom-built single molecule force spectroscopy puller, 2021-2023.
  5. “Excellence Initiative – Research University (2020-2026)” funded by MSHE: New ideas grant in Principal Research Area II: “New ideas for usage of the TCNL for advanced surface functionalization of graphene derivative and other 2D materials, 2021-2023.”

Additional grants received at UW:

  • UW FID grant for introducing innovations in teaching “Physics” for Chemistry students, 2018.
  • Solaris Synchrotrone access grants: Rapid Access in 2020 and Regular Access in 2021 and in 2024.
  • “Excellence Initiative – Research University (2020-2026)” funded by MSHE: Establishing a new nationally-accredited laboratory, 2024-2025.
  • Fulbright STEM Impact Award, 2024-2025.
Prior funding obtained before starting at UW was not listed here. It included grants from NSF (USA) and from various research fundations (in USA).