
Prof. Robert Szoszkiewicz
Main inventor of the Thermochemical Nanolithography (TCNL) – a technique where a hot AFM cantilever provokes chemical reaction at a surface with lateral resolution down to nanometers. Main research experience in nanomechanics of single protein molecules as well as physico-chemical characterization of arbitrary surfaces mainly via atomic force microscopy.
Currently, strives to understand locally mechanisms of selected reactions onto surfaces of 2D materials (i.e., oxidation and selected catalytic reactions). In addition, develops original methods of learning about structural changes within single biological molecules from changes of their nanomechanical properties.
Full professor of physical chemistry at University of Warsaw, Poland. Fulbright Fellow: STEM Impact Fulbright Award in 2024. Visiting professor at the University of Kansas, USA - several short term visits starting from 2021. PhD from EPFL, Switzerland. Post-docs at Georgia Tech and Columbia Univ., USA. Assist. Prof. and later tenured Assoc. Prof. at Kansas State Univ., USA.

Saeed Sovizi, PhD Student
Saeed Sovizi did his bachelor's and master's studies in the field of materials science and engineering at Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Tehran, Iran. His master's project was on the synthesis of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) by chemical vapor deposition methods. He joined the Szoszlab group in 2020 as a PhD student in physical chemistry. Currently, His focus is on Heat-induced Reactions in TMDs at global and local (by Thermochemical Nanolithography) scales.

New PhD students
Applications for PhD position are welcomed!

Alicja Ciesielska, Amelia Szwedo, Maksymilian Ruta, Piotr Zaręba
BSc Students

Former members who contributed to published research:
Adam Świątek, Tomasz Zdunek (BSc 2023), Aleksandra Wosztyl (MSc 2021), Stanisław Sokołowski (MSc 2021), Karolina Rotuska (MSc 2021), Aneta Mierzwa (BSc 2020), Krystian Lewkowicz (BSc 2019), Ugonna Ukegbu (MSc 2018).